/ C P O N O T E L M P L O R U A R T Y I O N
സമ കാല മലീനം
Created in contribution to the Project: ‘Elephant in the Room’ is a project by Conflictorium – Museum of Conflict (India) in collaboration with contemporary art center Stroom Den Haag in The Hague (NL), 2022, that attempts to initiate conversations on art infrastructures.
A synthetic animality with the aid of technological philosophies facilitates this frame of palliative care infrastructures to segregate ideas, individuality, and diversity in the name of quality and the enlargements of demography that requires support systems. The diverging devices manufactured under the neo-liberal roofs reduced these infrastructures to a minimum of money vending machinery. Wired strategies of this (in)visible power hoarding panels are upholding the proprietorship of a metaphysical housing, citizenship, aesthetics, culture, transitions, and the non- (human) flow in between. A lobe of popular homogenized areas of artistic practices are restricting free thought; fuelling toxicity, fear, anxieties, and passive violence among the excluded communities of participants. Forced labor, forced aesthetics, and forced satisfaction are demanded by these currency-powered; dazzling open windows of divine shrines of art, culture, and aesthetics.
Here the artist is equipped with a reflection of the above condition they are going through; and introspecting the neo-liberal materialistic; consumeristic existence of multitudes of identities that one must deal with to survive and realize life itself.