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A Sal tree Mirage

Illuminating Shore, Vantage Point Sharjah12: If I were another, Curated by Sara Al Mehairi, Sharjah Art Foundation, Bait Obaid Al Shamsi, Sharjah, 2024. Image courtesy of Sharjah Art Foundation. Photo: Shanavas Jamaluddin, Motaz Mawid

Audacity of Vulnerability / ദുർബലതയുടെ സാഹസികത, 2021.

During a long journey across five central, east, and northeast Indian states, I realized a pattern of connections internally established towards nomad musicians, solitudes/melancholy in relation to sound. I experienced their music encompassing their spirits and their altitudes of belonging. I recognized a profound relationship with nature, myth, and phantoms in their presence. A very fragile yet profound interaction with something or someone., – (un)known, the distorted voices, stretched visuals, and sound in between is an invitation to recognize the void in our lives when we deeply desire, these subverted rhymes and pinning silence create wormholes to destruct time.


ഇന്ത്യയുടെ മധ്യ, കിഴക്ക്, വടക്ക് കിഴക്ക് ഭൂ പ്രദേശങ്ങളിൽ വ്യാപിച്ച് കിടക്കുന്ന അഞ്ച് സംസ്ഥാനങ്ങളിലൂടെ ദീർഘമായ സഞ്ചാരത്തിനോടുവിൽ ഊരിതിരിഞ്ഞുണ്ടായ കലാ സൃഷ്ടിയാണ് ദുർബലതയുടെ സാഹസികത. വളരെ ആകസ്മികമായി, മുന്നേവിധി നിശ്ചയിക്കാതെ, യാത്രക്കിടയിൽ കലാകാരനു നടോടികളും, ഫോക്ലോർ; വർണക്യുലർ ശാഖയിൽ പെടുന്ന സംഗീതജ്ഞർ, അത്തരം ജനസമൂഹങ്ങൾ, തുടങ്ങിയവരുമായി തുടരെ തുടരെ ഇടപെടാൻ അവസരം വന്നുചേരുകയും. ഏകാന്തത, വിഷാദം, ഭ്രാന്ത്, മനോരഥസൃഷ്ടികളായ രൂപങ്ങൾ തുടങ്ങി ആശയങ്ങളെ ശബ്ദത്തിലൂടെ സ്വാംശീകരച്ചതായും തിരിച്ചറിഞ്ഞതിന്റെ അടിസ്ഥാനത്തിൽ. ഈ ആന്തരിക ബന്ധത്തിനാസ്പതമായതും, വൈരുദ്ധ്യമായതും ആയുള്ള ചലന ചിത്രങ്ങൾ ചേർത്ത് തന്റെ അനുഭവത്തെ പുനവതരിപ്പിക്കുകയാണ് മുഖ്യമായും ഈ കലാസൃഷ്ടിയിലൂടെ ചെയ്തിട്ടുള്ളത്. സംഗീതജ്ഞരുടെയും, നടോടികളുടെയും, സാംസ്കാരിക ഉന്നതിയില്ലുള്ള ഗ്രാമീണ ജനങ്ങളുടെയും ആത്മാക്കൾ താണ്ടുന്ന ഉയരങ്ങളും, അവരുടെ അസ്ഥിത്വം ഉൾപെടുന്ന ഭൗതികവും അല്ലാത്തതുമായ വിവിധങ്ങളായ സ്ഥാനങ്ങളേയും ഇഴചേർക്കുന്ന ഒന്നായി ഈ ശബ്ദങ്ങളും, ഒച്ചയും, സംഗീതവും, ചലനങ്ങളും, തളാത്മകതയേയും കലാകാരൻ കണക്കാക്കുന്നു. പ്രകൃതി, കെട്ടുകഥകൾ, മായരൂപങ്ങൾ, ഉന്മാദം എന്നിവ അവരുടെ സാനിദ്ധ്യം ഗാഢമായി സന്നിവേഷിപ്പിക്കുന്നതായി അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നു. അദൃശ്യമായ ഒന്നിനോടോ, അല്ലെങ്കിൽ മനുഷ്യരുമായൊ വളരെ ദുർബലവും പക്ഷേ തീവ്രവുമായ ഇടപെടലുകൾ ഈ അനുഭവങ്ങൾ വഴിയൊരുക്കുന്നു. അജ്ഞാതവും, പരക്കെ അറിയപ്പെടുന്നതും, വികലമാക്കിയതും, വലിച്ചു നീട്ടിയതുമായ ശബ്ദങ്ങളും ദൃശ്യങ്ങളും മറ്റും നമ്മൾ ജീവിതത്തിൽ തീക്ഷ്ണമായി ഒന്നിനെ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുമ്പോൾ ഉണ്ടാക്കുന്ന ശൂന്യതയെ തിരിച്ചറിയുവാനുള്ള ക്ഷണമായി ഈ കലാ സൃഷ്ടിയിലൂടെ കലാകാരൻ ഇവിടെ അവകാശപ്പെടുന്നു. അട്ടിമറിക്കപ്പെട്ട തളാത്മകത, ചലനങ്ങൾ, പ്രാർത്ഥനകളുടെയും കരച്ചിലിന്റെയും ഒച്ചകൾ, അതിനിടയിൽ വരുന്ന പരിപൂർണ്ണ നിശബ്ദത, എന്നിവ സ്ഥലകാലത്തിൽ കുറുക്കുവഴികൾ സൃഷിട്ടിച്ച് നനാവിധ ദിശകളും, വിഭിന്ന സമയ ചക്രങ്ങളും, സങ്കൽപ്പ യാത്രകളും പ്രാപ്തമാക്കുന്ന സവിശേഷതയായി പരിണമിക്കുന്നു.

The grandeur of the Ghats is nothing short of spectacular. The meticulously choreographed, repetitive rituals involving shimmering oil lamps and other ceremonial elements hold spectators in a mesmerizing trance. Groups of men, dressed in a unique fusion of traditional and contemporary attire, come together during the early morning and evening hours, marking the transitions of the sun with grace and devotion as they worship the sacred river Ganga. What's striking is the varying degrees of investment made by each of these groups in their rituals. The continuous stream of religious ceremonies in this region reflects the tireless dedication of the people, driven by a complex interplay of religious beliefs and state influence. Here, beneath the surface, religious and state propaganda subtly intertwine to fuel this never-ending devotion to spiritual liberation, or moksha. The demographic diversity of this place is truly remarkable. During my visit, I was captivated by the performative nature of the pūjari, the priest, and the global community that had gathered to witness these rituals. The Ghats, with their wide spectrum of experiences and the narrow pathways that lead to them, left an indelible impression on me, beckoning me to return. In the midst of this grandeur, it's impossible to ignore the stark realities of inequality, injustice, and human suffering. These harsh truths are illuminated by the flickering flames of devotion. Even when one attains a state of pure bliss, the memories of these experiences linger, a constant reminder of the profound complexities of life.

Phenomenally Pūjari

Travelers, regardless of their backgrounds, are drawn to the allure of ascending heights, where the air carries exotic fragrances. Here, one side reveals the pungent odors of drainage, while unexpectedly, the other side unveils a world of perfumes, attire, and jewels that define the essence of authenticity. These are the individuals who could be considered the successors of the Ghats, particularly the children who don the garb of Hindu deities, resembling Shiva and Parvati. Yet, the authenticity of their portrayals raises compelling questions. It's awe-inspiring to witness the exchange of spiritual wealth amidst the backdrop of impatient and unruly crowds, a spectacle where the precision of worship unfolds amid logistical complexities. Amidst the myriad shades that intermingle between the Ghats and the echoes of silence that occasionally envelop the scene, there's a fleeting moment when one contemplates whether a return is even necessary. This place, with its misty mornings and scorching sunshine juxtaposed with the solemnity of cremations, seems like a tangible utopia. The individuals who tend to the departed spirits, the custodians of an entire culture, are ever-present, yet an aura of duplicity permeates the entire landscape. The social fabric weaves a continuous tapestry of ceremonies, and the human endeavor behind it all remains a profound enigma, a force that beckons, tugging at your very being, compelling you to return.

Phenomenally Pūjari
Phenomenally Pūjari

One seeking mind body prosperity both in earth and heaven and the other for few rupees for the day...

Phenomenally Pūjari
Phenomenally Pūjari

The tamed flames, as they sway gracefully in the gentle breeze, possess an intoxicating allure. They are the embodiment of desire, enchanting our curiosity and reigning as the supreme force of fire. Their generosity lies in their ability to offer up prime energy willingly. Yet, in the grand fabric of divinity, these flames have been coerced into a new narrative, one that has transformed them into a noxious, harmful presence. These flames, once symbols of purity and disinfection, have taken a dark turn. From their inception until today, what was once a means of purification has become a source of destruction. The extremes of righteousness have confined their fumes to one end, resulting in the incineration of countless innocent lives. Human desires, driven by religion and unquenchable greed, have rendered these revolutionary flames both sacred and deadly. These revolutionary flames, once ablaze with the passion for change, have been dampened by the commodification of our society. Our care, our solidarity, our art, and our collective intelligence have all fallen victim to this dampening effect. Yet, the flames continue to dance, perhaps unaware of the dire consequences they now pose to our very existence, casting a shadow over the vibrant manifestations of life.

Phenomenally Pūjari
Phenomenally Pūjari

Amidst the fading exuberance of the exotic, one can find the fire that burns within. It's in those moments when the clamor of the world threatens to confine you to the confines of the ordinary. It's in these instances that you must embark on a journey, not just for the sake of movement but to rediscover the faith in your existence. As you traverse this path, allow your roots, once in dispute, to find reconciliation along the way. Mend the wounds of those seemingly endless nights, and patiently await the dawn of a new day. This journey becomes an endless cycle, a perpetual contemplation of the city's intricate and cunning manifestations. Allow this fire to serve as the bond, the unifying force. Let it ascend and soar to the peaks of water, a graceful dance of elements in flawless harmony. Embrace it as the guiding light leading towards eternity, where the notions of being and nothingness blend into a singular, seamless existence.

"Phenomenally Pūjari" serves as a documentation of carefully choreographed sets of rituals. It encapsulates the intricate interplay of objects, space, movement, and sound within the realm of each individual pūjari, forming a harmonious ensemble that transcends conventional criticism. In the backdrop of our contemporary world, we find religion in the diaspora grappling with the heavy-handed influence of a fascist and capitalist nation. This influence manifests as intrusive interventions, brutal oppression, and concerted efforts to undermine the very foundations of freedom.